In the first 10 minutes of the hour-long interview there were technical difficulties to get Vitrenko connected to the program, and during this time Alessia Ruggeri briefed the audience about her endorsement of Operation Ibn Sina and the fight by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute President, to not only to prevent a war with Russia, but also to prevent mass starvation in Afghanistan.
Natalia Vitrenko then joined the discussion, by means of simply having her cell phone image presented to the camera, and she was able to answer many questions from all three participants. The exchange started with a question on the situation in Ukraine, since Putin’s announcement that Russia recognized the two Donbas republics. She emphasized that the Ukrainian people want peace, but the followers of Stepan Bandera (neo-Nazi militias) in the country are being supplied with weapons from America and Britain, and that makes a war possible. During the broadcast, she insisted that it is the Americans and the British who are pushing for war, not the Ukrainian people, who are against war.
To a question from Alessia Ruggeri on President Zelenskyy’s request to join NATO and the EU, Vitrenko replied, “the people in Ukraine do not want to join NATO. There was a referendum in 1991 against joining any military bloc. It is Zelenskyy who wants to join NATO because he does not defend the interests of Ukraine, but that of the United States and the U.K.”
Host Luca Di Bella asked Vitrenko about her situation, since she had been attacked at a political rally in the past, and she confirmed that she feels threatened by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and called for an urgent de-Nazification of the country.
There was a question also on the role of Soros in the Euromaidan, and in the present politics there. Vitrenko confirmed that many Soros people are in the government and the Euromaidan coup was also sponsored by his foundation.
Alessia Ruggeri asked her about Putin’s statement during his Feb. 21 speech about the Odessa massacre in 2014, for which, he said, those responsible should be punished. Vitrenko replied there must be a Nuremberg Tribunal against such crimes against humanity.
An audience of 1,300 people were watching the interview on YouTube, and many of them thanked Natalia Vitrenko for her courage and firsthand report on the situation. Also the hosts thanked her, and concluded that they “pray that Natalia Vitrenko may become President of Ukraine” and that Ukraine may have peace.